PictureWell this wouldn't have been awkward at all!
On these couple of pages Tom and Gatsby have their fight. I find it quite amusing that Fitzgerald is simply placing one word next to another, just as I am doing currently, yet he manages to paint a picture. You can hear Gatsby's voice yelling at Tom that Daisy loves him more. You can see Tom raring to just punch Gatsby in the face and wanting to run away with his girl. You are there, and practically nothing can pull you out. 

Fitzgerald uses short sentences, without much other than the speech, to keep you in the scene. I think if he put 'and then Tom walked over to Daisy' or whatever, it would break the mood. The way he has written it, with mostly dialogue, is smart because then you can have creativity of your own! I don't know what colour Toms clothes are, or what Gatsby's shoes may be, but because I am there sitting with Nick, I'm not focussing on the clothing, or mediocre things, but the conversation at hand. I can sit in the room and feel the heat and the sweat pouring down my back. I can feel my muscles that have gone rigid in fear of the fight. I am there, and nothing else matters. Fitzgerald is a brilliant writer. I truly advise reading this novel and any others that he has written! 

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    The author wishes those that are reading this blog to read backwards. That is, from the first page, bottom to top.

    - Gabrielle Pearce


    November 2013
    October 2013

