PictureGatsby's party.
' "I'm glad its a girl. And I hope she'll be a fool - that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool." '

' "Anyhow, he gives large parties,' said Jordan, changing the subject with an urban distaste for the concrete. 'And I like large parties. They're so intimate. At small parties there isn't any privacy." '

I love how Fitzgerald writes this. When one reads it, they read it, think, read it again, and inevitably agree. At first sight it may seem perplexing, or obscure that a big party would be more intimate than a smaller party, but upon thought, and slight deliberation, one can come to not a dissimilar conclusion! You also may think why would Daisy want her child to be ignorant? But again, with thought, we too can see what Fitzgerald was thinking.  It’s, in a way, a subliminal message, planted in our minds by Fitzgerald. He’s slyly making us think we came to the conclusion, whilst, in reality, he put it there! It also is a way of showing a different voice. He does the same thing Yoda does, and twists sentences, and swaps words and phrases around to make them sound more compelling! I think it works perfectly! Not only does it colour the text for us, but it is a brilliant philosophy! 

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    The author wishes those that are reading this blog to read backwards. That is, from the first page, bottom to top.

    - Gabrielle Pearce


    November 2013
    October 2013

