PictureAn utterly awkward love triangle. Or square, if you include Gatsby.
On this page Daisy's child is mentioned the most it has all the way through. So far, she hasn't had any great significance to the storyline, nor has she affected either Nick or Gatsby in any major way. I simply do not understand why Fitzgerald would put it in! Maybe he included the child (who we don't even know the name of except for 'Come here, Pammy' on the same page), to plant the idea that maybe that was the sole reason for Daisy marrying Tom. Maybe they had a fling and had to get married because of Daisy's pregnancy! I just see this character as unimportant and useless to the story, therefore, why include it?

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    The author wishes those that are reading this blog to read backwards. That is, from the first page, bottom to top.

    - Gabrielle Pearce


    November 2013
    October 2013

