PictureA young Gatsby.
'...how her mother had found her packing her bag one winter night to go to Ne York and say good-bye to a soldier who was going overseas'

Suppose he didn't go overseas. Would the story have turned out the same? I think that it may have, to be truly honest. My reasons are as follows:

Firstly, Daisy's parents weren't all that keen on Gatsby and Daisy's relationship (it says 'she wasn't on speaking terms with her family for weeks' (page 73)). With that point, Daisy, being so influential, may have eventually been persuaded to change her mind on Gatsby. Or, on the contrary, Gatsby could have persuaded her to come with him. It depends on how she truly felt. We find later on that her love of money can override her love of men, so maybe she would have gone for Tom, considering he was the richer man at the time! Maybe it's because all I know is the story that Fitzgerald wrote, the way he wrote it, not otherwise, so therefore I do not want to stray from it. Who knows? It's quite enticing, how something simple (such as Gatsby leaving) could affect the whole story!

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    The author wishes those that are reading this blog to read backwards. That is, from the first page, bottom to top.

    - Gabrielle Pearce


    November 2013
    October 2013

