PictureSlightly morbid, but it gets the point across.
'There was a faint, barely perceptible movement of the water as the fresh flow from one end urged its way toward the rain at the other. With little ripples that were hardly the shadows of waves, the laden mattress moved irregularly down the pool. A small gust of wind that scarcely corrugated the surface was enough to disturb its accidental course with its accidental burden. The touch of a cluster of leaves revolved it slowly, tracing, like the leg of a transit, a thin red circle in the water.'

Gatsby's death. I think at first I didn't understand this paragraph because I didn't want to. Gatsby is dead. A poor, innocent man has died, all because of his love for one woman. He did not deserve to die. When I read this I stopped and didn't truly understand. To overcome this particular conundrum I reread from the previous paragraph, where it spoke of the shots. It was then that the reality hit me; Gatsby was dead, and that was his blood. I think, if Fitzgerald is anything like me, he didn't want to write the word DEAD. The word which would end Gatsby's existence for eternity. 

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    The author wishes those that are reading this blog to read backwards. That is, from the first page, bottom to top.

    - Gabrielle Pearce


    November 2013
    October 2013

